A short list of cool projects
- Many nagios plugins
- big-list-of-naughty-strings
- Linux GUI for Windows 10
- Write personal automation
- Personal agent
- wifi from cli
- rclone, “rsync for cloud storage”
- Run arbitrary commands when files change
- Windows Alt-Drag
- Windows GridMove
- Hunting from boat in DK
Analyzing Data
- OpenRefine
- Sound
- Network
- Elasticflow- Network flow Monitoring (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack
- Suricata IDS/IPS log analytics using the Elastic Stack - sýnesis™ Lite for Suricata
- Snort IDS/IPS log analytics using the Elastic Stack - sýnesis™ Lite for Snort
- SNMP Data Collection and Analytics with the TICK Stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor)
- Chronograf Dashboards for use with data produced by Telegraf input plugins
- Kibana plugins
- Syslog collection with the Elastic Stack
- Real-time web log analyzer
- pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools
- The Ultimate pcap
Hardware project
Online web games
- Safely bash
- Rust
- Nim
- Go
- R
- Python
- Goodbye clean code
- Base Web
- Setup git
- Web Skills
- Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️
- Markdeep
- Json web tokens
- vue.js example
- Jekyll template Poole
- Markdown cheatsheet
- “What happens when you type google.com into your browser and press enter?”
- Huge collection - Casual Effects
- Grav - Flat-file CMS
- 11ty - Simpler statuc sute geberator
- MVP - minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements
- Apps in JSON
- Desktop, browser, mobile game apps in JavaScript
- Headless Chrome
- LetsEncrypt - Windows Acme
- Preformance
Video Conferencing
- check-your-website.server-daten.de
- censys
- dnstrails
- CTF events
- HTML attributes authentication
- Keysniffer
- wapiti fuzzy webscanner
- nikto
- bettercap
- XSS examples
- MITM Buro
- mitm ipv6
- dataleaks database
- quick google
- replace google
- factorization of RSA-240
- Sn1per
- Reverse Engineering Malware
- Network
Fight Fake news